About Us

The Kansas SAC is pleased to offer this page as a resource to all. Please scroll through the information provided and feel free to contact Kansas SAC Director John Grube at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

The Kansas Sentencing Commission (KSSC) operates as the state’s Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). Established and supported through a partnership between the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) and the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), SACs perform a variety of activities including collecting, analyzing, and distributing of criminal justice data. Information obtained from this data is shared with other SACs, researchers, policymakers and the general public to help guide evidence-based decisions. The majority of SACs are housed within state agencies, but there are few operated through local universities and non-profits. There are currently SACs in 51 states and U.S. territories.

Learn more about JRSA and other SACS.

One of the main duties of each SAC is the application and administration of state justice statistics (SJS) grants. In the past, the Kansas SAC have been the recipient of several SJS grants that supported efforts to measure and improve the performance of Kansas’ SB 123 Mandatory Drug Treatment Program. As of more recently, the 2018 SJS grant allocated funds to the Kansas SAC to develop an electronic infrastructure for publishing dashboards online through Tableau. These dashboards can be found under the “Dashboards” tab of this page. The 2019 SJS grant was awarded to support the utilization of telecommunication services for substance abuse treatment in rural communities. Findings of ongoing research pertaining to this project can be found under the “Publications” Tab.

SAC Staff